Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Reflecting again

Well, a few days ago, I had the sighting of the unknown "jugger", a block away this time, but I would recognize "the poetry in motion" if she were in the boston marathon. I was in the yard but was just looking around when the sighting occured, so I was unscathed this time, no power equipment in hand!
I was just listening to the news, and the government found no evidence of price gouging, and 26 million vets are at risk because their information was stolen from the government. Now thats enough to make anyone cheerful! Of course, they had a talking head on from the oil analyst front, mouthing the tune, capacity, capacity, capacity. Well the last stats that I saw was that we used slightly more gas this last year, but capacity was the same even in the wake of katrina.
Listen up folks, thousands are getting rich on oil futures, and include retirement funds of all kinds including state funds, and are making big bucks. Futures are commodities like wheat, corn, etc, and can be gold, and oil. Futures are risky business, and while turning big bucks now, can really take a beating very fast. Now that was just for your information. Judge for yourself. This is a big part of the price of oil, and it sure makes oil companies smile also. So in effect investors are or may be cutting their own throats at the pump and by the beating in the markets. Time will tell if I am right. Maybe this is whats called plausible deniability heh heh.


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