Friday, May 19, 2006

Changing reflections

I have decided to end the reflections on the future due to lack of interest. We really should be looking to the past and the future, or it will come up and bite us on the ass. We can blog our hearts out, re-hashing the news each day, but what do we really accomplish? There are as many opinions on anything anyone does, as there are fleas on a hounds back. Opinions are like butts, everyone has one!
Some blogs are very elaborate at mouthing the news. Personally I like stuff from the heart and mind, or experiences.
How many people know that they can contact their representatives in government. They all have email, even the white house. Some may say it doesn't do any good, I say it does do good or can anyway. They are put there by votes and want to keep it that way. A few people bitching may not make news, but hundreds will, thousands for sure. Most will answer the emails. Politicians have staff, and it doesn't need to be a gripe, it could be a problem with benefits or whatever, they will answer. If not do it again! Why heck, you can even email support for something, or support for the job they are doing. They like that too! So someone impress me please.
Just recently, a young fellow at work was denied workmens comp for an injury at work. I told him to contact a state office and representative. Within a couple days workmens comp was nice as pie and more cooperative, how it turns out has yet to be seen, but action of some sort will be taken. The fellow said to me he really didn't think it would do any good until he got more than one response for his problem. I have done similar things several times, not as much as I should, so maybe I will practice what I preach too.
If our reps don't have guidance from us they will do it their way, or how they want it. They do not want a few thousands of people barking up their colons.
So be a part of government, not a victim of it! We do have choices, use them wisely.


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