Saturday, August 12, 2006


I said in an earlier blog I was going to shy away from news things and political things, but it is very hard to do. I guess I have to add my 2 cents worth once in a while.
The people arrested in Brittain were mostly citizens of that country, and as I have said before, countries face more of a threat from wanna be sicko's within than directly from foreigners. In my humble opinion these groups and people are cowardly and weak. For some reason they identify with some other twisted group to make a name for themselves, or go down in history or some other reason.
Today a few people were arrested in neighboring Michigan for buying 1,000 prepaid cell phones. They claimed they bought them to resell to make money. They also say they were arrested because they were from the middle east. Now why would someone pay 50 dollars for a phone when you can go to wally world and buy it for $20?
Dubbya said we are at war with Islamic faschists, well that brought complaints from Islamic groups. Racial profiling they say. Well, the Islamic militant extremists are at war with the world. So yes, I expect we are racial profiling to some degree, because of the threat.
Most agree that war is a bad thing. It is and as history has shown us, as many or more civilians are killed than combatants. The real question is when is it ok to go to war? Our homeland was attacked and we responded, Israel was attacked and they responded. Israel was attacked almost daily for as long as I can remember with suicide bombers.
There are peace studies in colleges, we have a program in the college here. It would be wonderful to negotiate peace in the world, but it takes all players to do that, when one side refuses what is to happen then. It is easy to say turn the other cheek, but it isn't our families under attack, it isn't our country. For myself, if our country is under attack or my family, I will hunt the offenders, period.
Our troops are stuck in a situation like Vietnam, we can't win anything, we may win battles but we can't win the war. The enemy are like cockroaches, they hide and strike. The have learned that they can't fight us on a battlefield because they can't win that way. They have found they can't drive us out so they fight each other. Attack us only when the opportunity arises. We may have slowed the terrorists to some degree, but in my opinion we haven't gained much ground stopping the threat.
The real truth is this folks, we think and want to believe that all sides abide by the geneva convention, the rules of war. Each side may or may not have rules of engagement, we do atleast. The real situation of war is different, though we go to war for a noble war only to find the other side commiting atrocities on our troops and civilians. The warriors see this day after day. Their comrades beheaded, tortured, corpses defiled in ways you can not even believe. Then keep being told that they have rules to abide by.
Parents and or wives get notified of death saying killed in roadside bomb, died of injuries, shot through and through, body parts missing, without really knowing what happened to their loved ones.
If provoked to war, we need to do what is necessary to win it, we may not like it, we may not agree with it, but that is the reality. We have been in the war business long enough to know that. That is exactly why war should be the last option, but if we have to, go to win. Until we play on an even field, we don't stand a chance. The one thing I am sure of in life is that we need to pray that we don't fight a war on our soil, as a people, we don't want to see the horrors that others see, and get put in a position to do what you never thought you could or would do, and have to live with it after it was all done. Amen!


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