Saturday, September 23, 2006

Mason WI and Family

This is for the one loyal reader I have about my family in my mom's home town. As I said before they had electricity but no running water. They lived on the one street that curved around and went by the river and back to main street if you can call it that. They lived at the bottom of a small hill and my brothers grand father, I considered him mine to, lived on top of the hill. His name was Edgar as my brother is named, other siblings are Paul, Joyce, Marilyn, Mick, Sherry and Carla.
My mother had sisters of the Iverson clan, Mabel, Olga, Agnes, Margret, Toppy, Eleanore(Cupie), also A brother Glen(Punk). My grand parents were Gusta, and Ole imigrants from Norway. My grand mothers maiden name was Hanson and her family came here also, the ones I knew were George, Phillip, Paul, Fred, and John, there are still lots of Hansons around, kids of the kids and so on. My mother had another sister die during childbirth and I understand one of her kids was a dentist in Cable WI., there is a lake with their name along the highway, or pond, her name was Ruth. The house below the hill is no longer there nor is the Martin place on top of the hill. There were other Iversons in town but not related, in fact I think there was a family next door. I was there a week ago to visit moms grave on the anniversary of her death and drove around the little town.


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