Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Day Before Christmas Eve

Well I got up today as usual very early, my daughter came home last night from school after work. She left at eleven last night and we were to have freezing rain and snow, so needless to say I was worried, and told her to go slow. Well she made it but was after midnight, long past my usual sleep time by six hours. So today I slept in 'til 6 am.
The night before last I was at the spadoman's cabin getaway for a solstice fire outside. Attended by shutterwi and others, and had a good time. They also talked me into coming down to the famous Black Cat Coffee House, so today I took the dog out early for his business then walked down to have coffee, which is a short walk, relatively anyway. I had more than one cuppa, then left after more than an hour, of not seeing any of the usuals that are blogged about. Saturdays must be different for the regulars. But anyway, I got to read the paper and some exercise to boot.
But I have been thinking a lot lately, about life and death, family, friends and pets. Just short of a year ago my daughter and wife talked me into getting a dog, a puppy, a chocolate lab. Well it turned out that the little bugger had a parasite, and couldn't see good and his front legs were a little twisted. I have to say I didn't like pets before, nor anything that shed hair, ate, went potty, and made noise. But I grew to love the little bugger, I guess cause he was a little gimpy like me! The vet said to bring him back to the owners, but I refused, and thank god I did. He may not see good, nor hear good, but he is a wonderful dog. Doesn't have a mean bone in his body and is affectionate to no end.
I guess what I really had to admit was why I didn't like pets. I always hated to lose them, it hurt so if I didn't have them, no pain at their loss. Kinda mushy right? But true! Kinda like people, love is worth the pain I guess, family, friends, relatives! Hell even pets!
Merry Christmas to all, spread love to all!


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