Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A Best Friend

To naandpappa, like you, I consider Shutterwi my best friend. Only friends, and good ones at that have a relationship like ours. I know his children, grand child, sisters and love his mother. I look forward each year to her visits, we email and talk on the phone. Likewise he knows my family very well. A part of this relationship is playing pranks, and lots of time laughing. We have been "good for each other" as his mother puts it!
Shutter has a degree as I do, we are intellegent people sharing the same things in life! I never, repeat never will or would belittle a friend!
I pretty much write like I talk in real life. Sure I could use 10 dollar words, but I'm not here to impress anyone. I respect all opinions and most people, no matter their lot in life. I my careers I have direct contact with the best and worst this country has. I look everyone in the eye, I never look down or up to anyone! I have spent enough time hanging my head, feeling less than others, and I am secure enough to know I am ok as a person. So all and all I say it the way it is if anyone asks, no frills, or the way I see things anyway!
I don't expect everyone to agree with me, and heaven knows, I sure don't need to agree with everyone.
So, my friends, I will continue, I hope you all come back and read these things
as I do your sites!


Blogger pissed off patricia said...

You can count on me popping in daily. I envy your friendship with shutter. That's a life treasure.

6:13 AM  
Blogger Spadoman said...

Pranks? Hmmmmmm, I'll keep my eye out. Haven't been his friend long enough yet I guess, unless you consider knocking at the door everytime I take a nap a prank!
Identity crisis resolved.
joe S. the "new" guy is Naandpapa is Spadoman

7:22 AM  

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