Saturday, May 06, 2006


I just read a post by Morning Martini, which caused me to reflect a little on the past. On relationships that live on in me. The first and most important was that of my mother. As I have said before I am just "po folk" and have been most of my life. My folks never had a car, and never drove. My father was from Yugoslavia, was smuggled out to come work in the US in the lumber camps if northern Wisconsin before ww1. When I was born he was hired as a great lakes seaman until he retired. At that time, pay wasn't as good as it is today for the seaman.
Anyway, my father was home for about a month each year when the "big lake" froze over, so mom pretty much raised us. Having raised 5 kids during the depression, she could squeeze a nickel til the buffalo went potty!
People today think of homelessness as something new, it isn't. We had many men that were "bums or hobos" come by our house. Later in life I knew a fellow that was a hobo during the depression and made me aware of the difference between the two. A hobo was willing to work for something, while a bum just wanted you to give it to him, mainly food.
No matter how little we had, when a hobo knocked, mom would always make him a sandwich from whatever we had. So I learned compassion for people, and not to look down on those less fortunate. To this day, no matter how little I have I will drop some change in a can, ring a bell at christmas, and give someone a kind word.
So, mom being the first in a long list of people that helped shape me as a person, I don't have enough time or space to list them all. I guess you could say that I am and was shaped by those I don't want to emulate also. I am 57 and I certainly still have and will admire others and learn from them. One of my greatist treasures is when someone lets me know I had a positive effect on them in some small way. So likewise, never be afraid to let others know when they do!!!


Blogger Shutterwi said...

No matter how little we had, when a hobo knocked, mom would always make him a sandwich from whatever we had.

Since I have known RWi he has always brought a smile into my day.
His mother would be proud of him. MY mother who lives 1500 miles from here sure thinks the world of him and that's good enough for me.

We have spent hours sitting around a campfire without saying a word until one of us will rise to go to bed.

11:20 AM  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

First of all, Thank you so much for visiting the Morning Martini. I look forward to seeing you often along with shutter. Had I not wandered into shutter's site (have no clue how I got there the first time) I would not have met him and his glorious photos. I would never have learned about smelting and other stuff, and I wouldn't have met you. You guys are great and I just love knowing you. There's a big smile on my face as I type this. You guys are responsible for putting it there.

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it Love it. start writing now!!! Love CS

7:41 AM  

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