Saturday, January 13, 2007

Iraq and Dubbya

Lets sort some things out at the start. Dubbya is a spoiled brat, always has been and always will be. If anyone disagrees with him he pouts, and does dumb shit. You know like riding a bike in front of mothers car slowly, not getting along with his dad, things like that.
Now you have the little twit as prez, and we disagree with him, so he is going to do it his way anyway, phone taps, mail, signings, more troops, you name it!
If he really wanted to make us safer he would have a national initiative to become energy independent and that would dry up funding for the bad guys.
Now we have al-Maliki running Iraq and telling us there are targets off limits, people off limits like al-Sadr, when the boarders with Iran and Syria haven't been sealed to stop the flow of people, arms, ammunition, supplies and money from coming into Iraq. What's up with that?
Now we have the nimrod al-Maliki and the prez saying it will all be better by November of this year. Bull crap! The supposed goal has been to stop the violence and have a democracy, not allow some to do what they want. If the prez thinks al-Maliki has the nuts to do it he had better guess again. He is part of the sectarian problem!
How much do you really hear about alqaeda causing problems there? They try to spin it as such, but has little to do with anything, including world terrorism.
So Georgy, tell us how this is all going to work!


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