Wednesday, January 10, 2007


On Monday, I after my usual 65 mile drive, I got inside my place of employment and found out that I was on indefinite layoff, along with a whole list of others. I was telling a fellow that rides with me a short time before, on the ride down that it was coming. Little did I know it would be so soon. I was pissed off because they didn't call Friday and tell me not to report to work on Monday. I don't like getting up at 3:30am and make this drive just because it is fun. But I did expect the place would lay off people so that fact didn't upset me. For those of you who don't know, I make doors, or I should say we. And we all know what the new housing market is like right now.
A friend called last night that works there also and told me that they may be reconsidering the lay off because the orders were not as bad as suspected. That fact just reinforces my belief that these morons are the worst managers I have ever worked under, for more reasons than I can even list here. I just got called back in to work as I write this bye for now!


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