Saturday, May 27, 2006

A Collection of Reflections

Finally someone hit upon the biggest reason for oil prices as I mention more then once in this blog. Ben Stein hit upon it also! Now if more will realize it, we may have a chance for the near future. The reason I say that is, because of our own greed, we have to pay the piper. If it all continues, as I again stated earlier, we face things we never thought we would have to in the ol' US. Change is coming and we won't like it! Prices will continue to rise, and this country will be in a crisis, more than it is now. Why? Because there will be a huge gap between the high priced oil, and renewable energy implimentation and discoveries. I shouldn't have to say how it will all shake down, from industries to us, it will all be painful, and it isn't a joke. I'm not sure that if we start today to put all resourses into R&D that we can stop it, but we should try.
As I said before, I am an environmentalist, even did some consultation in it. I guess I didn't fit in to the environmentalist ideal, you see it isn't an either or proposition in my mind. To me, as long as there are people on earth we are going to leave a lasting foot print. And to me, all we can do is try to see to it that it is as minimal as it can get.
In college I had many environmental classes, what the hell, it was an environmental college. And I would sit and listen to the young people hashing over the environmental problems of the earth. Against pollution, against raising animals to eat, yet all wearing leather sandals, like they came from road kills. Going all over the US and other countries on field trips, driving SUV's, yet not bathing often, or flushing toilets. Same was true for some of the profs, living off the grid, but driving 60-70 miles per day in a smaoking car they chose to recycle by driving til it quit, and feeling they came out "even" on an environmental scale.
Thirty years ago, there was some talk about an ice age coming, glaciers were advancing 30 feet per year in places. Now it is shrinking, global warming we say. It may well be, even for sure the earth is warming, but I doubt it is from one thing. We talk about global warming and say "they" need to do something to stop it. Well who is they? The grovernment? Whose government? I have news for you, as underdeveloped countries, you know, like the ones where our industries are flooding to, develope and have the means to buy things like we do, will find pollution like we did in our industrial revolution. China is finding that out already, and they have just begun.
Have you been to large suburban developments, huge houses, you know, ones that need two furnaces to heat, two airconditioning units to cool, all for 2-3 people to use, thats right, those houses. They also take a small forest to build.
I live in northern WI and drive past several wood yards, on my drive to work each day I see logging trucks hauling wood to them. Thousand, tens of thousands, millions of trees per year meet their fate there. I can also say this, trees are now being cut before they reach maturity, and get smaller all the time. Certainly they are being made to wood chips, not lumber, you couldn't get a firring strip out of what they are taking.
For the last thirty years or more I have heard what deforestation does to the earth, and not just in rain forests. Warms climate, changes wind patterns, promotes irrosion, pollutes water and on and on, hence also effects rain.
Now we come to the term ecosystem, the key is system, not eco! It's the system, not just one thing, we are screwing it all up, not just one area. So my advice to anyone is, study, read, find out, don't just squeak about it. Then try to make some changes yourself, remember, when you point a finger there are three more pointing back at you!
Now to a change in thought: Hayden makes it to CIA, after all the clamor, made it by a wide margin, imagine that. If it wasn't so serious it would be funny. Maybe we can look forward to another era of McArthyism and J. Edgar rolled into one.
I thought of something, about the time of the revelation of intelligence gathering came to light, that GM makes cars with "Onstar" in them. Onstar can tell someone exactly where you are, talk to you, and you can answer. It can monitor car performance, and more I'm sure. I wonder if it occured to anyone that it is also a wonderful surveilance tool. Hell, they can or have the potential to, listen to coversations that take place in cars, as well as know where you are. I wonder if GM has had any requests from the government to follow or listen to conversations. As long as the car is quiped with it, I'm sure it can be activated at anytime by GM. It sure would be easy and cheaper for the spooks to do it that way, and way less manpower to do. I guess only time will tell, but if you have onstar, installed or not, watch what you say or do in the car, heh heh.
Again, I will say, contact your government reps in your state or fed government, go to the state and fed sites and email them with what you want. The squeaky wheel does get the grease, like I said if we don't say what we want they will do it their way. They may do it their way anyway, but they can also be voted out of office. Take the time just like you would email anyone else, doesn't take long, and IS EFECTIVE. With all but the White House of course!
A while back I made a post about "the 24", I stated I thought the marines were victims of war as well as anyone else. Some took that to mean I thought they should be forgiven, or that what they did was ok. I still stand by they victim thing, they may have lived their whole life without hurting someone if they were never in a war. But what they did was wrong if it was plain murder. I have said since I was in the military, mommies would shit if they knew what their home grown boys were capable of. I have seen it with my own two eyes, from WWII vets to Korea, to Vietnam, to Somalia, Panama, you name it. The only point I wanted to make by my first statement was that there are all kinds of victims of war, and they certainly are too. Are they to be treated differently? No. Wrong is wrong no matter how you pile it.
But let me say this, I know some think that to say stresses of war or job such as police, firemen, EMT's etc., is cop out, it is not. And to say if you haven't been there, you don't really know is a cop out, that is not either. And let me tell you, no amout of training in the world prepares you for what you have to see, live, and do. And that includes corrections officers!
So look around you folks, there are victims of all kinds, right wrong or indifferent!


Blogger Spadoman said...

I'll comment on the first topic of this post, oil prices.

You are correct. The greed of the oil companies is like a thumb holding us down. But isn't that the model of corporate society? The bottom line? How many companies ever say that no loss/no profit is OK with the stock holders? Mall Wart, for example, could go a long way by changing their tactics and actually providing benefits for their employees or helping local businesses in the USA make some or all of their products instead of importing them from China.

We, as individuals, need to be the ones to make less of a footprint on Mother Earth. There are a gazillion things we can do, simple things, every day, that would change the pattern. The real question is when will we start doing any of these things? Myself included. I use gasoline. I am part of the problem.

My own answer to myself is my own laziness to change. Looks like corporate greed got to me. I'll try to do at least one thing everyday to make this Earth better. I promise.

7:04 AM  

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