Sunday, June 18, 2006

Humor In The Workplace

As I have said before I do have a sense of humor, I am given to tease people, and make fun of myself also. The following are some of the things I have heard or seen in the work place and some of what I was party to.
There is always a variety of people in work places, from every walk of life. Some are not to bright mentally, others are brilliant.
I was sitting in a luch room in a factory, having a smoke, listening to a couple co workers talking. One stated when he got home last night his wife made a "hamlet" for him, and boy it was good. The other guy looked at him and said" hamlet? What the hell is a hamlet?", the first guy said "you know, eggs, cheese and ham". The second guy then said "hamlet my ass, thats an omelet, a hamlet is a baby pig". Well by this time, I was doubled over from laughter and was thankful breaktime was over.
I worked down state for a few years as a manufacturing engineer, an worked in a factory my brother-in-law worked at. Well, he always talked about me and my exploits. To the people from down state, we were from "up north", and we were awed by the "city folk". I had a few workers tell me they were going up north, and I would ask where at? They would tell me and their up north was 40 miles north of Milwaukee. We were 30 mile south of Milwaukee.
My brother-in-law said I was a hunter and would bag 5-6 deer per year if I had the tags for them. Some of them hunted also, in the few places you could hunt down there. They asked my about hunting and such, and I said "we take our killing serious up north, in fact we have our own justice for certain offenses up there, there is a hand full of things you don't mess with up north, family, wife, guns, tools and the pickup truck. If you mess with any of those its proper to go after you armed and seek justice. Well, for those poor souls who have never been this far up in WI, they believed it from what I told them and other wild things they had heard. To them we like the "Hatfields, and McCoys". I said hell, even the women carry guns up there.
At the same place of work, there were many people from Greece, they like deer meat, and we would talk about "up north". One fella told me he went to Wausau once but didn't like it because it felt like he was driving uphill all the time!(Up North) heh heh.
One person in management used to tell me it was a sin that the State of WI spent so much on highways "up north" for the few people that lived there. I replied that he didn't know what he was talking about. I said we didn't have highways where I lived, the highway stopped 50 miles away and we had to ride horses the rest of the way. I said were weren't totally backwards, we had city streets, and country roads, but they didin't lead elsewhere. I said our cars arrived by boat on Lake Superior. Well my story must have been believeable because he believed it heh heh.
I had a friend who was a huge red haired, red bearded guy, he also had a severe case of jock itch, so he was given to scratching himself frequently, and to make matters worse he was given to fits of laughter for whatever he was thinking. A co-worker, knowing Big John was my friend asked me if he was crazy or something. Well being the nice guy that I am, I told him Big John would have sex with about anything, including sheep as he was a big farm boy. After that conversation, I went over to Big John, explained what happened, and what I told the other guy. Well, after that, Big John would look at this guy who was neat as a pin, blonde hair, and small, and blow him kisses and laugh like hell. The blonde fellow would turn beet red and turn away. Finally the blonde guy told me what John was doing, and I said" oh, oh, John took a liking to him and now he needed to watch it around him". Until the day the plant closed, John reported to me that the blonde fellow, kept a wide bearth of him!
We were never mean, we just liked having fun to pass an otherwise dreary 8 hours. And at times it helped a lot!


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