Saturday, June 24, 2006

A Letter To Our Troops

Men and women of our armed forces, you have done what our country has asked of you and more, with bravery and honor. Now it is time to come home! Please don't think you have lost anything and fought and died for nothing. You have tried to give the Iraqi people something they don't know and understand. A way of life like we have. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten, and you can know you served when asked, and did it with pride, and honor.
Now it is time for the Iraqi people to stand up and take their country back from those that are trying to destroy it. There is not one drop of oil, one grain of sand, worth one more American life. Over 200 years ago we, as a people fought what we saw as oppression, and formed a country. They now can do the same thing if they choose. They have the ability, but do they have the desire?
To a man and woman, you are all heroes!


Blogger Shutterwi said...

Great stuff. Send both of these to the newspaper. Hell no send them to every newspaper.

I help pay the postage

You've said it better with more style than any of the morons in Washington.

Reflections for President 2008!

7:20 AM  
Blogger pissed off patricia said...

Shutter told me I should come and read these two letters. Man, you are right on every word.

One thing, these people didn't invite us to bring our war to their front yards and for that I feel awful. Bush decided he would have a war in their country on their land and they didn't ask for that. He should rot in hell for what he has done to the people there and to our military.

2:31 PM  
Blogger coldH2O said...

I agree with PoP.

6:27 AM  

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