Sunday, November 12, 2006

Thank You To Our Veterans

Yesterday was Veterans Day, and as usual I watched the few tv channels showing movies about war and vets. It is just my way of saying I am thinking of them. I can only hope your thoughts, for a while anyway were on vets and their families.
Vets are vets even if they never fired a weapon in anger, they sacrificed their lives, their minds and bodies for some, and for some a big chunk of time, whether 2 years or 4 years or more. But a sacrifice it is. For some they will be affected for many years, even a life time. So in some small way, thank a vet, man or woman, for they know "freedom isn't free"! Amen

Monday, November 06, 2006

Thoughts For Today

Lately I have been in a depressed state of sorts, so I have been doing what I can physically do, and that is read. I have read the "One Percent Doctrine", "The Rise Of Theodore Roosevelt", and a book by Tommy Franks. I also have given some thought about myself and also of human nature, and how this all ties into what I have read now and in the past.
I guess it shakes down to finding out how self serving human nature is, whether it be presidents, politicians, generals or just us plain folk. Two of the worst words in our language is "I", and "me". There are other words used to imply the same, used to justify an action of some sort.
We don't all think alike nor do we have the same life experiences, so our thoughts and actions are as varied, maybe even at different times of life, as there are people.
Given that, it is really no wonder how little we understand of our fellow man, when we are centered on "I and me". I guess it may be time to think a little of us and we in all things. Amen