Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm Back Again

Well folks, I'm here again, back from vacation. It was good as it could be. First we interred my brother's ashes the first day. A family reunion for my brother and sister who passed away 2 years ago. Then 3 relatives passed away during the two week vacation, so we also had their funerals. One other is in two weeks. I'm still dealing with my hand problems, but to make matters worse, it is in my right hand also. It looks to me like permanent vacation now. As you can see that black cloud that follows me is still there and active.
But, some good comes also, my daughter turned 21, and I was able to spend time with 3 of my kids and grand kids. See, a little sun sneaks through even in a storm!
I have read your blogs even if I haven't commented, that is also a little of the sun in my life. Also I was able to spend some time with Shutterwi's mom, and that was good, we call her ECM(east coast mom)! She left yesterday for home and I will miss her!
Every day I try to look at the good in my life so the bad doesn't seem so bad, I do have a lot of things that mean more than anything, like good kids and grand kids, good wife, and good friends. So even if I lose on one side of life, I win on the other. It seems that lately the only real wish I have is to have a couple years of no problems before I pass to heaven, I don't think it is a lot to ask, and can only wait and see what the big guy has in store for me!
Well, later folks, keep on truckin'!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY for finally being 21!!! thanks for a fun night dad! love you!

11:25 PM  

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