Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Both Sides

I think the political process is in need of change in this country. Both Dem's and GOP cry partisan politics, decisions are political yadda, yadda, yadda. Well folks both side are as guilty as the other. I am a Dem and probably always will be. I cry politics also, I want politicians to do things that are impossible whether I like it or not.
But no matter what party we support, we are of one country, what is best for the country and the people should be what we strive for, not the priorities of individuals or parties.
Anyone qualified to run for president should be able to run, not just the rich or those backed by big money. There should be a level playing field, period. We have a brain trust in this country, yet we don't use it, or can't use it, whether it is in government, politics or industry.
I love this country, and would not like to live anywhere else, under other laws and rules. Sure it isn't perfect here, but go live in other places, and I am sure we would appreciate what we have. This doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement in this country, there is. So we should be very careful when abuse of the constitution, or even changes of it are in play. We should move ahead with the interests of the country, but I think we can do what is in order, yet keep our rights protected. There should be checks and balances in most of government, I have yet to see a leader of ours, be-all and Know-all.
It is time to work for bringing our representatives, including the president, back to what our founding fathers envisioned over 200 years ago. They work for us, the people, not how history will look at them, not the dictates of a party or an administration.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Thoughts on The World

I have had some time lately to dwell on the state of the world. Daily I read blogs, and follow links to blogs. I read news of all sorts and all sources of news and information.
The thing that has struck me is that we are quick to attack the government for what they do, yet we have no answer ourselves on how to do it another way. We are against the war in Iraq because the administration lied to us to go into that country. I believe this is the worst administration in the history of this country, we should not be in Iraq, yet we are. Do we abandon the people of Iraq to what ever nut wants to take over the country, or do we attempt to help them come up with something they can live with? If we just pull out, surely there will be a mass slaughter on one side or the other. What will that show the world?
Is it OK the be in Afghanistan and not Iraq? When we are attacked again, do we put on our Gandhi clothes and talk peace and the bad guys will follow suit? If the government is to stop attacks in this country and can't investigate in all ways they can, how can they protect us?
I hear so much brain power out there, yet hear little on what the alternatives really are. Lets hear more about that. If we are attacked again, how do we respond? I hear that we will fight for this country to protect our families etc., but who do we fight? They don't wear uniforms, so do we put all Arabs in prison camps, or just kill them? How do we fight them?
We were attacked at the twin towers, I didn't see us gathering arms to fight the bad guys. Meaning civilians folks. Our young men and women volunteered to to join the military to do the job for us. It seems they may be the only ones with any idea of what to do, or what needs to be done.
Maybe we should have a delegation of Americans go to Iraq and protest to violence. I'm sure the government wouldn't let too big a delegation go because it would be costly to send the bodies back home, or would the bad guys respond favorably by putting down their arms because we come in peace? I'll bet you know the answer. Maybe we should have signs around the country saying "please don't blow yourselves up after doing us harm, we are peace loving, we will hug you on your way home and give you a rose as you leave, maybe then you will change your ways".
This blog is just to give people something to think about!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Time To Think

Lately I have been lapse in blogging, just not motivated, other things to worry and think about and do. But I have watched and listened to the news of all sorts, read and re-read many things. And lots of time to think!
I can't believe all the garbage the media presents when there are so many better things to report about. I listened to weeks of the Smith fiasco, and still hear daily about it. Now it is Libby, what's to understand? He lied because he thought he could get away with it and his boss would cover it up! After all, this administration can and does do what they want. The show on this isn't over yet either!
We have well over a 100,000 troops in Iraq, shouldn't they be reporting what they are doing and suffering? What about what they accomplish? It leads me to believe that the administration has put the brakes on reporting about Iraq, you know, "out of sight, out of mind". And the media says they are not controlled!
Well, even the media is about money, big accounts say back off and they do. And guess what party the big accounts belong to! And now look at oil and gas going up! I wonder what spin big oil will come up with this time. Oil dropped this winter, the profits are down for the quarter, so what the hell, get the analysts to say oil will take a big jump soon, then follow through with the threat. The oil analysts work for the oil companies, why not huh.
The conservatives are bleeding the middle class dry, the poor are getting poorer, and the rich are getting richer. And this is world wide folks, just look at the stock market and that of foreign markets, it is plain to see. We are in a world wide recession, no matter how the politicos pile it. Did you ever see soup lines? Well get used to it, they are coming to a street near you!