Sunday, April 15, 2007

Good VS Bad

There are good people of all races and bad people of all races. It is up to each of us to determine which is which when the need arises. I think myself as an honest person as to what I think and feel. Now whether those thoughts and feeling are right or wrong is another matter. Some times I base my thoughts and feelings on what I know, or facts, other times it is feelings alone, or thoughts alone, or even experiences. I have no doubt that I am not always right.
I worked for a boss that ranted and raved about being so honest and how he didn't understand how people questioned him. Well, he thought because he said what he thought made it all OK because he was honest. Well, the guy just didn't get that there was a difference between what honesty is and right and wrong. But it was compounded by the fact that he was a Marine, and Marines are honest and right, so he believed anyway. I call it delusion myself.
I also have choices, on what I watch and what I read and what I listen to. If I don't like something or it is boring I don't have to listen, read, or hear it. There are racists of all races, just look at many in the Islamic faith, hell, there are many against other religions, and discriminate against all who are not of their faith.
Don't get me wrong, when I think someone has pissed on my leg, I say what I think, I am discriminatory right wrong or indifferent. Otherwise I try to hold my tongue to be diplomatic. So I don't always say what I think. I let others do what they want until it affects me. And I don't need to agree with others, just don't push what I don't want or like down my throat.
Well enough for now. Thank you all-Peace!


Blogger singleton said...

And peace to you....
how right you are...if we all stopped shoving, it would be so much easier......
so much more peaceful....

4:37 PM  
Blogger skinnylittleblonde said...

I let others do what they want until it affects me.LOL, this is the part that gets me in trouble...sometimes it just takes awareness to have it affect me.

12:33 AM  

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