Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Heavens

This month, the comet McNaught has been seen with the naked eye. Try as I might I didn't get a look at it because of sky conditions and time of day. It can be seen yet from the southern hemisphere. This would be about three I have missed in the last couple of years. I have been known to stop on a deserted stretch of highway, away from lights to scan the heavens. This would be on the way to work. Co-workers have stopped to ask if I had car trouble, and my answer is nope, just looking through binoculars at the heavens. They think I am nuts!
Daily I look at the NASA APOD site for the picture of the day. When I have time I go back and follow the related sites. I guess it is a good break from everyday life that is very nice. Also I like to learn what the brains are discovering all the time, they seem to answer one question and find even more questions. There is so much they have discovered, and so much that needs to be answered yet.
Most people don't realize how much that we use daily that has been improved, new products, energy, medical, you name it, that has come to be because of discoveries in the universe and labs studying the universe. It is long and complicated, but believe me that's the way it is.
I remember as a kid reading "Buck Rogers", space travel, aliens, and other planets. It was like a dream, even to grown-ups. Now we do it! Or at least some of it. The thing of it is, what I know about physics and astronomy could fit on a head of a pin, but what I can speculate about what may be out there and how things work, may turn out to be true in the future, that's how much they don't know and understand. Some of what they know has come from discoveries of amateurs.
Thanks for listening to this, now One final message!


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