Good Morning
I have been up since 5am, took the dog out at 6:30am in a balmy -22 degree below zero breeze. That is literally -22 degrees folks. So if you have any brass monkey's in the yard, you better bring them in! Prediction the last few days of -40 to -60 degrees wind chill, with some places in MN of -40 to -60 degrees and colder with the wind chill. To me, after some point when it is this cold, the temp is relative. Like if it is -10 it could be -100 because it all feels bad. I have been fishing in a shelter at -30, it can be and would be heated, but setting them up and taking them down, is nasty. Skin freezes fast, chills to the bone, and now that I am older, just plain nuts.
It looks like the war hasn't changed much, lack of equipment, and supplies, and pump more money into the black hole. Typical of shrub and cronies to make a decision without planning for it. Seems like the Vice Prez and karl Rove all over again. Decisions are political plain and simple! Even when the situation continues to spiral downward. Men and machines are wearing out and the brass continue to mouth the same garbage. If they had the answers on how to win, then they should have done it 4 years ago! The only thing that matter are the polls concerning republicans and the job shrub is doing. It really boggles my mind at the lack of planning of the whole situation from start to now.
I would say that shrub should have an original thought, instead of listening to others, but even that scares me, because he isn't smart enough to figure things out. If it weren't for speech writers, he would sound like a babbling idiot, maybe we are lucky they do that or we would really be fearful for our country!
It looks like the war hasn't changed much, lack of equipment, and supplies, and pump more money into the black hole. Typical of shrub and cronies to make a decision without planning for it. Seems like the Vice Prez and karl Rove all over again. Decisions are political plain and simple! Even when the situation continues to spiral downward. Men and machines are wearing out and the brass continue to mouth the same garbage. If they had the answers on how to win, then they should have done it 4 years ago! The only thing that matter are the polls concerning republicans and the job shrub is doing. It really boggles my mind at the lack of planning of the whole situation from start to now.
I would say that shrub should have an original thought, instead of listening to others, but even that scares me, because he isn't smart enough to figure things out. If it weren't for speech writers, he would sound like a babbling idiot, maybe we are lucky they do that or we would really be fearful for our country!
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