Sunday, April 30, 2006

Did we learn from the past?

Does anyone remember the 70's oil crisis? If you do, did we learn anything from it? Personally I don't think we did. Fuel oil went from $0.16 per gal to $1.50. I changed from oil to natural gas which was much cheaper at the time also, with wood heat as the primary heat source. I even contemplated buying a sub-compact car. You know those cheap cars that on a still, clear night, you could hear rusting at the curb!
I love it when I hear that the government should sign global warming treaties, get oil cheaper etc.. Well my friends, what about us? We buy huge SUV's, 4 wd's, build huge houses and the list goes on. Don't we have a responsibility to conserve our resources? I am hearing the same crap I heard in the 70's, including the environment! I keep hearing "they should do something", not "us"! Who are "they" anyway? May be that our raping the forests are causing global warming, changing weather patterns, creating more wind etc., as well as green house gases. But what the heck "they" should stop building houses, using paper so "we" can have more to use!
Yes it pisses me off to pay what we are for gas, but it pisses me off just as much to realize that I took careful aim, and shot myself in both feet yet again, you see I didn't learn the first time either.

The White House Shuffle

I see the shuffling of positions in the White House as the same things that take place in business and companies in times of crisis or not. Sure some of the problems are with bad advice, but in reality the buck stops at the top. An example of this is when, say a plant manager wears a name brand polo shirt, you can bet in a short time there will be all sorts of clones of the manager running around. Be it shirts, goattee(face art I call it), business-speak(the "in" catch phrases).
If the personality and the spoken and unspoken traits of the President, Manager, Boss etc., says I want to hear what I want, not exactly the truth, so read my mind, so to speak. Their jobs are to give the boss what he wants, so thats what they say and do.
I can't belive that anyone in power never gets the true picture, following the good advice is another matter. When the leaders want to hear the way it really is thats when leaders can make informed decisions. Dubya and Co., must be contorsionists the way they try to put both feet in their mouths and their heads in their the same time! Moving people around will only assure a different position of the contorsions.

Sound Advice

I am an environmentalist at heart. I have a degree in economic policy with an environmental emphasis! Outstanding credentials aren't they? Heck, I even did some environmental consulting for a short time. Am I an environmental expert? No. Can I see what works? Yes.
I have seen an amazing number of people pass themselves off as experts in the environmental field, lawyers, students, teachers and any number of others. Some are intellegent observers, capable of thinking logically. But all too often the loudest voices belong to people who are no such thing.
I graduated from an environmental college and can attest to the good and bad of what is taught in colleges(my opinion of course). My point is to think, and to question. Experts in one field comment about other fields, be wary my friends, we all have our own agendas including the so called experts.

New Blogger

I am new to the world of blogging, so I am testing the waters so to speak. Here you will find opinions on news, what other bloggers are saying, ideas, and sometimes just plain interesting things, to me that is!
As my good friend and neighbor Shutterwi will tell you, I am a character! I find many things in life humorous and just as willing to poke fun at myself as well as give others guff. I hope you find this site interesting as I do other sites.
I don't profess to be an expert on anything, yet I am a general jackass of many things! So, if I don't know it, you don't need it, so to speak.
I am "po folk" so I tend to side with the under dog. With some exceptions of course. I'm sure you will see that in the future.
Please be patient as I try to tweak this blog in the future. Though it is easy to get this blog it is more difficult to tweak, cut here, paste there, lord where will it all end? I will have to call on my friend Shutter to assist me in this process, being the resident computer guru in the neighborhood.
After all, if I have to blog, it would be nice to make a few bucks in the process!! You never know, I could one day be right up there with Dubya, Chaney, and Exxon execs!