Sunday, June 25, 2006

New Info

Here are links to a very good read on why we are in Iraq, and a target of the terrorists. It is called the Israel Lobby. The next article is a very good read on VP Cheney and his administration within an administration and how he forced info to show we had to go into Iraq, and how his antics caused us to possibly lose Bin Laden.
Send these links to everyone you know, we should all know the criminal activity our leaders are involved in.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

To The Iraqi People

We have done all we can for you, we have tried to give you freedom and democracy, neither of which you really understand. Our young men and women have sacrificed their lives in hopes you would embrace what we have in America. Now it is time for us to leave, and for you to take back your country, and build whatever it is you want.
The insurgents are not operating as ghosts, you stand in your windows as these people fire weapons at innocent Iraqis, at your neighbors and friends, at your own families. Many of your own people die each week at the hands of your own people. You live in fear, yet turn your back, or worse, support the terrorists.
You have an opportunity to change all this, but you must be willing to fight and die to have freedom. Drive the evil from your neighborhoods, towns, cities, villages. Rise up and take it back, make a government that is non-sectarian, build a government that allows anyone to worship as they please.
You as a people, deserve not to live in fear, to be able to raise your families and have a way of life you choose.
It is evident we can't give it to you, only you can make it better for yourselves at this point. We refuse to have one more of our men and women die for what you are unwilling to do for yourselves. So tell the terrorist, enough, tell your government, enough, and take back your lives!

A Letter To Our Troops

Men and women of our armed forces, you have done what our country has asked of you and more, with bravery and honor. Now it is time to come home! Please don't think you have lost anything and fought and died for nothing. You have tried to give the Iraqi people something they don't know and understand. A way of life like we have. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten, and you can know you served when asked, and did it with pride, and honor.
Now it is time for the Iraqi people to stand up and take their country back from those that are trying to destroy it. There is not one drop of oil, one grain of sand, worth one more American life. Over 200 years ago we, as a people fought what we saw as oppression, and formed a country. They now can do the same thing if they choose. They have the ability, but do they have the desire?
To a man and woman, you are all heroes!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Humor In The Workplace

As I have said before I do have a sense of humor, I am given to tease people, and make fun of myself also. The following are some of the things I have heard or seen in the work place and some of what I was party to.
There is always a variety of people in work places, from every walk of life. Some are not to bright mentally, others are brilliant.
I was sitting in a luch room in a factory, having a smoke, listening to a couple co workers talking. One stated when he got home last night his wife made a "hamlet" for him, and boy it was good. The other guy looked at him and said" hamlet? What the hell is a hamlet?", the first guy said "you know, eggs, cheese and ham". The second guy then said "hamlet my ass, thats an omelet, a hamlet is a baby pig". Well by this time, I was doubled over from laughter and was thankful breaktime was over.
I worked down state for a few years as a manufacturing engineer, an worked in a factory my brother-in-law worked at. Well, he always talked about me and my exploits. To the people from down state, we were from "up north", and we were awed by the "city folk". I had a few workers tell me they were going up north, and I would ask where at? They would tell me and their up north was 40 miles north of Milwaukee. We were 30 mile south of Milwaukee.
My brother-in-law said I was a hunter and would bag 5-6 deer per year if I had the tags for them. Some of them hunted also, in the few places you could hunt down there. They asked my about hunting and such, and I said "we take our killing serious up north, in fact we have our own justice for certain offenses up there, there is a hand full of things you don't mess with up north, family, wife, guns, tools and the pickup truck. If you mess with any of those its proper to go after you armed and seek justice. Well, for those poor souls who have never been this far up in WI, they believed it from what I told them and other wild things they had heard. To them we like the "Hatfields, and McCoys". I said hell, even the women carry guns up there.
At the same place of work, there were many people from Greece, they like deer meat, and we would talk about "up north". One fella told me he went to Wausau once but didn't like it because it felt like he was driving uphill all the time!(Up North) heh heh.
One person in management used to tell me it was a sin that the State of WI spent so much on highways "up north" for the few people that lived there. I replied that he didn't know what he was talking about. I said we didn't have highways where I lived, the highway stopped 50 miles away and we had to ride horses the rest of the way. I said were weren't totally backwards, we had city streets, and country roads, but they didin't lead elsewhere. I said our cars arrived by boat on Lake Superior. Well my story must have been believeable because he believed it heh heh.
I had a friend who was a huge red haired, red bearded guy, he also had a severe case of jock itch, so he was given to scratching himself frequently, and to make matters worse he was given to fits of laughter for whatever he was thinking. A co-worker, knowing Big John was my friend asked me if he was crazy or something. Well being the nice guy that I am, I told him Big John would have sex with about anything, including sheep as he was a big farm boy. After that conversation, I went over to Big John, explained what happened, and what I told the other guy. Well, after that, Big John would look at this guy who was neat as a pin, blonde hair, and small, and blow him kisses and laugh like hell. The blonde fellow would turn beet red and turn away. Finally the blonde guy told me what John was doing, and I said" oh, oh, John took a liking to him and now he needed to watch it around him". Until the day the plant closed, John reported to me that the blonde fellow, kept a wide bearth of him!
We were never mean, we just liked having fun to pass an otherwise dreary 8 hours. And at times it helped a lot!

Aurora Borialis(Northern Lights)

http://Aroras Paintings in the sky
http://Aurora Photography

Check out these sites to see what we see many times in Northern WI. The show is put on by activity on the sun, which you can check out by links on the links also. I have watched them all my life.
Once while hauling pulp far into the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, My driving partner and I seen a show that was rare, emerald in color, and so bright and covered the whole northern sky, he asked me "what the hell is that", he was a superstitious sort, so I said "holy cow Skip, the Russians nuked Canada", and that was the afterglow. He got so upset he laid down on the floor of the truck, covered his head with his jacket and went to sleep. There were trucks and cars pulled off the highway the show was so exceptional, so I did likewise. They call this "gods country" up here, and after a show like that, I guess it is fitting.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Unions Again

Whew, lets try this again!
I have worked at my present job for over 3 years. I took this job 60 miles away because there aren't a lot of jobs in this area. It is a big employer in this area, though I'm not going to say what is made there, because some who read this blog may know the industry and I am usually in enough trouble with them as it is. And I'm sure they wouldn't look kindly on my bad mouthing the place.
I look at what happens there as one more sign of what is going on in this country and in industry. Money, really that plain and simple! The company I work for is still privately owned, family owned, and has plants in several states. A very rich family I might add.
The town where it is located is small, and like the whole area, not much in the way of jobs. Most people don't have a lot of work experience and have worked logging, fast food places etc.. So to some it is like heaven, even at just above poverty wages.
To digress about 30 years, to a time when most places, even small ones were unionized, and wages were better and working conditions were too. I could see, even 30 years ago unions were on a path of their own destruction, and I said so. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a union man and I support the cause, even more so than ever after this experience.
Unions were formed and sometimes fought for during the hayday of the industrial revolution when the american worker was being paid little, working in extreme conditions (bad conditions), and the industrial giants making huge profits. Hummmm, getting to sound a little familiar here, heh heh. Well, after much adeu, unions began a long fight for better wages and working conditions and were for the most part successful. We were all part of the "great american dream", providing for our families, having a small portion of wealth, being able to do things past generations could only dream about.
Slowly, unions began to price themselves out of business, and President Bonzo with his trickle down economics put unions a a tabu word in our language, and it has been a steady slide down since then. But, that wasn't enough for businesses, they still had to export jobs to even lower paying people in 3rd world countries.
As I have said before, I am an economist, and I am not against someone making a profit from the business, I know how things work in the business world. But I am against being abused, and the abuse of others for financial gain. In the news yesterday, "Apple ipod" made the headlines because of the working conditions of the people making it. Well, I have news for you, that was just one of thousands of industries where this is taking place and the companies don't care unless caught in the act, so-to- speak. I also have news for you, it is taking place right here in america also.
I don't think one needs to be a rocket scientist to see that industry has cut back employees, cut back wages, cut back benefits while still posting record profits. Record profits are also recorded for the ceo's, hundreds of millions of dollars. Does reducing medical benefits or stopping them make sense, to pay a ceo more? To me it is dead wrong! Not only is it morally wrong, it add to the skyrocketing medical costs, because if people can't pay their medical bills, it costs everyone more, so in effect the companies are pushing the cost off to everyone else, not just the employees. Does that make sense?
Now to get back to where I work. The product they make generally runs from 2 thousand to 36 thousand dollars per unit. The average is somewhere in between the top and bottom amounts. The greatest asset they have are people. The place is not highly automated because they would rather have you work harder for increased production than automate. They also push quality while at the same time not providing equipment to have better quality. Part of the reason I say people are the best resource they have, are the efforts we make to have quality against used worn out equipment.
Every few months the company puts on a cook out, and a meeting before hand on the company and what they want and whats coming in the future. The last one a few weeks ago made me laugh as well as the time before that. The production they put on a few weeks ago had a motto,"The American Dream, The future is in our hands". I was asked by a few people what I thought of the presentation, I giggled and said it sounded like it came from the famous Martin Luther King, "I Have A Dream" speach. I also said it was like Gen. Patton, called old blood and guts, the soldiers blood his guts.
They also told us it was a good year for the company, the same the last 3 years, record profits, rising business, all the typical drivel. Then they said they were trying to figure out how to recruit better employees and be able to keep more of the ones they have.
Keep in mind that at the december meeting we had, we were informed that this year our insurance premiums were to increase, co-pays were going to be higher and they were going to cover less. They are self insured and run it themselves. We were in formed also that when we work ten hour days, we would lose one 10 minute break. Starting time on ten hours is 5am. That means we work from 5am til 9:30 am with out a break!
One year ago in very hot weather, I asked, even demanded a fan in my work area. It was over 100 degrees in the plant, and shortly before that the plant safety person mad me start wearing a face shield. The shield forces hot breath over your already hot skin making it even worse. I was determind to get a fan, so I bitched and complained daily. Finally they decided, after a few people began to pass out from the heat to get some fans and put them on the steel uprights in some locations. They also determined, and said exactly this, "we are not concerned with personal comfort, therefore we will circulate the air in the plant and the placement of the fans will accomplish this". In other words, the fans won't blow on you, but instead will blow hot air near the ceiling around to the next area. I found a pedestal fan from an area that was being changed so I took it to my area and protect it with my life! They also handed out sheets containing what heat exhaustion and heat stroke were and how to prevent and treat it. Fans weren't on the list either. It basically said, now that you know this, it is up to you to not over heat! Easier said than done when doing hard physical work. But to their credit they don't stop you from going to a water bubbler to fill a water bottle.
Safety is always an issue at the plant, many people are hurt each month, we have a safety person, but still there are lots of injuries. They spend time, lots of it documenting it, posting the findings, but do little to change things, mainly because it would cost money to do so. If they do spend any money making a change, you can bet it is in their interest to do it. An example of this is when someone tripped on a floor mat in his area and got bruised. Instead of removing the offendin mat, which was in bad shape and replacing it, they removed all mats from all areas. Anyone that has worked on cemnt floors knows what effects standing and working on them can do to your back and legs.
Well, as I predicted, in time over-use injuries became common place. The answer? They hire an outside consultant on ergonomics. Within the last few months we go new mats that wear and lay better on the floor. We also have an ergonomic team, made up of management and regular employees. In a few areas it was determined that a mat may cause more of a problem that it would solve, but the employee could buy cushion soles for their work boots or shoes for 15 bucks.
There have been many more instances I won't go into, but to say I was asked by the ergo team what I thought. I said in theory it was a good idea, but that if it canme to costing the company money, it was up to us to change, rather than make it safer by changing the job or equipment. I was quickly labeled a radical, against the company efforts.
To go back to their quality efforts, I use hand routers, you know to make routs for door hinges, and other removal of wood to create shapes, but I also rout aluminum with the same routers, using different bits, the tools that remove material from said object. Well, The jigs and equipment is worn out, so often I get complaints from the assembly line of poor quality or not being up to specifications. This takes place about every 2-3 months, the complaint comes in, supervisor tells me, I point out the problem, quality department comes over, maintenence comes over, measurements taken problem assessed, it is determined that it can't be solved as is so I am told to keep running as I was to begin with. It could be solved, but it would mean new quipment. Now keep in mind that for a time I was told it was me making bad parts, but I began to dig in, I say it the way it is. I can't change the plant but I can make noise about my own little world. So I fight back, I prove it isn't me and they don't like it. I have even tried for 3 years to get a different job there by signing up for other job postings, I am told I am staying where I am at, that simple. The reason and only reason for that is this, I am good at what I do, I have developed ways of doping things that minimize problems, while still getting maximum production. I have found ways to adjust things that isn't in a book, and I am mechanically inclined so I have come up with all kinds of little tricks. When I have been off for sickness or accident, quality and production drops, and I get calls at home to find out about this and that, so I know I am not just blowing my own horn.
I have a saying in my life.......if you don't want to hear the truth, don't ask me for my opinion. I was called to an office and asked how the paperless system they were putting in place was working. They put computers in most of the areas, so documentation was on there rather than on paper. It works well to track the product as it goes down the line. I said it worked well and was a good idea, it saved me time, but that there was a flaw, because it still caused me to use some paper, need to get certain info by paper, and the person got mad at me. I told him, look, you asked me to come up here, asked my opinion, I didn't come in here because it is fun, so take the info or leave it and left the office.
I have a lot of experience an many fields, including factories, business, healthcare and others. I have to say that the management at work has to be the worst I have seen in a long time. Most are inexperienced in their areas, but with the opinion that I am higher than you, so I must know more. You know, everyone is stupid but me attitude. This goes from the plant manager down. It is like our leaders are afraid to give anyone credit for anything, and if you let them they will take the fact that their incompetence causes problems, and turn it back so you look bad. This happens so often I can even predict it. And I let others know, then when it comes to pass I say, see just as I said.
I shouldn't have to tell management the obvious, like how a certain number of people can only produce so much. Then expectation exceeds production ability. But, I have to point out at times that one cutter can do this much, one router, or 5 assemblers. If all things were automated, a machine can only produce so much also. If you want more you need another machine, or in this case more people. You can only trim processes so much to make it efficient.
This is 2006, we have technology up the ying yang, it amazes me that we are still working in the dark ages, millions of working poor, millions without health insurance, working conditions similar to 100 years ago. But the robber barons still there! I almost spit a mouth of coffee out when at the last premeal meeting the owner was on the propaganda clip we viewed, saying money was never the object, it was his love of what he was doing. Sure, and his 3 or 4 multi-million dollar family cabins around the state can more around the country certainly show he shares his wealth!
This company is certainly not the only one getting rich on our backs, so I can only hope that the future will see the american worker say enough is enough and fight for themselves.

The War, America, Unions

Here are a couple of articles you may be interested in, they say it better than I can.Sorry for the links posted on the blog in this manner, it was they only way I could find to do it. If I had more time I guess I could do it properly, but this will work.

I don't know why this space is double spacing the paragraphs so I will close this blog and begin on another space.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Step Back In Time

Today on my way home from work, which takes over an hour, I noticed a pair of big work horses in a field. I pulled to the side of the road to watch them for a few minutes because you don't see many of these horses today. The are majestic creatures, huge animals, with big feet, yet very graceful. I have never seen them before today and I have been driving there for over 3 years.
Well it brought me back in time to when I was about 15 years old. A friend of mine who was about 5-6 years older than myself asked me if I wanted a summer job cutting pulp with him and his dad. Well, it sounded good at the time, so I said sure, I would take it. I asked about wages and he said it depended on how much wood we cut and piled, but it should be pretty good money.
I had cut lots of wood with my dad, but never worked in the woods making pulp before, so it didn't sound too bad. The first day of work I found out the dad would cut the trees, my friend would pull the trees with a work horse to me, and I would cut it in 100 inch lengths and pile it up to 4 feet high along a road so the truck could pick it up.
Well it was very hard work, I used their chain saw, they picked me up each day before it got light, and dropped me off after it was dark. All I could do each day was eat and go to bed exhausted.
I learned to pull wood with the horses, just for a change of labor once in a while. I learned that you developed a relationship with the horse to get him to do exactly what you wanted. When he was harnessed he was all work. He would back up when commanded, stop and would take off when the reins were dropped, and pull the wood right to my work area and I would lead him to where I wanted him to stop. He would wait for me to unhook the chokers and then go when asked to go. You had to make sure you were clear of the hooked wood when you dropped the reins, or risk breaking a leg or two when the horse lurched forward because he knew there was a load behind him.
Even at their size they were gentle animals and more than a little playful. When my friend and his dad went away for a few days I was instructed to drive out each day and feed and water the two horses. At each logging job they built a small corral for them out of small diameter trees. Well as told, I went out to do the chores in their car, I dropped the top cross piece of the corral door and damn, one of them slid past me and jumped the other two small logs. It ran a hundred yards or so and stopped. I swore under my breath, and started toward it, talking gently. It let me get about 10 feet away and bolted again. Well this was repeated about 50 times, and a half mile away, before it let me catch him. I swear that horse would laugh at me and shake it's head every time it eluded me. Well, I got the horse back and was putting it in the pen when the other horse took off, and after an hour or so let me catch it. This time I tied one to the tree while putting the other in. Well I learned a valuable lesson, don't let the logs down! Each day I would climb over the log fense to feed and water. I would talk to them, pet them, and they would nuzzle me.
While working with them, once in a while they got playful too, like if walking close to them, they would whack you with their head knocking you over, and again they would whinney and bounce their head up and down, I still think their version of laughing their butts off, heh, heh.
It was a wonderful experience, and would have been even better if I made a little money at it, but thats a different story.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Keeping An Open Mind

I guess keeping an open mind is hard to do. I usually try hard to do that, and am sucessful for the most part. I like to listen to people, other opinions are interesting to me. I don't need to agree with others. Sometimes I agree in part, others not at all. For me, it comes down to what I can live with personally, and I'm sure a lot of it stems from my own experiences in life. I have to say my ideas and opinions have changed over the years, in some things anyway, some I've had forever it seems, good, bad or indifferent.
So it is also with others, their experiences, views and ideas may be different than mine, it doesn't mean they are less than mine, even if I disagree with them. I have known some real nuts and will say that, I still know some real nuts. But I still listen to them. For the most part I don't try to change anyone. I will give an opinion if asked. Hell I have been called a nut to I guess.
If I know the person well I will bait them into a tirade, just for fun. If I know them well, they know that also.
I also think about what people say, in another life I was a counselor for 15 years, maybe it comes with the territory, but I think about what others say and possibly why they say it, and how they say it. I guess I like to wonder about how all things work, even people. I like watching people even if they are not speaking, like in malls, stores, on streets etc.. Life is interesting, and so are people.
The other thing I am certain of, is that I have never heard any person say anything, everyone agrees with.
Another thing I am certain of is I would never be a politician, no matter how good the person is, how smart, how honest. No matter what they say or do is wrong for someone. Their lives are picked apart, families, ideas and actions. Now that sounds to me like purpetual heartburn!
So I guess my point is folks, ideas and opinions are cheap, let others have their say, politicians are open game because what they do affects us, rarely does what I say and think affect others.


Well, I took the fender off the van, pounded the dents out, put it back on and can't stop it from hitting the door. Frustrating, but I'm determined to fix it. Has to be out of shape in some way. Well I will continue the pounding and prying today.
As I had my morning coffee, I had a whif of the past literally. I'm not sure if the smell was real or just a ghost of the past. In any event, it reminded me of one of my grand fathers, he lived alone for all the time I knew him, a typical old bachelor, not given to cleaning much. He was orderly but not given to real cleaning. Well as I have said before, he had no electricity, and no running water, so light was by kerosene lamps, water was hauled from the town pump. He cooked on an old wood stove. The house was kind of big, but only 3 rooms were used for many, many years. I remember the smells there, wood smoke, kerosene burning, lard from cooking, dust, old leather, wool, and chewed tobacco. He had a news paper on the floor with a can for spitting in, now you have to understand he didn't always hit the can but it landed on the paper. He was an old trapper, so he had many old traps of all kinds in a room off the living room. I used to like to play with them. Some I could open, others were too strong for me to open as I was pretty young. There were boards used to stretch hides on, and other things I don't remember what they were. But while my older brother talked to gramps, I played or sat and listened to gramps talking about things from the past. But somehow I had a smell from his house today and it made me think about how often that happens. I am not crazy, I don't think anyway, but I sometimes smell things that remind me of past times, mom, dad, aunts, military, farms etc.. So I guess today I just thought about that. I used to laugh when my kids were small, and yet today, they can tell which pillow I use, where I sit, and what I wear. I asked before how they knew, they say, "I can smell you dad". MMMMMMMMMM maybe I should wear stronger deodorant!

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Terrorism is a cowarldy act, to do just what the word says, "makes Terror in others". In a nice world there is none, in a nice world there is no killing, in a nice world there is no wars. But thats not the case! People like Al-Zarkawi drew first blood and would do it again given a chance. So yes, he did and does affect me, all of us even. Because of their terrorism look at how the world has changed. How many innocent people is he responsible for killing? Am I happy he is dead, hell yes. Are we in their country, yes, he wasn't from Iraq either, and most of the terrorists aren't either.
Like I said earlier, there are terrorists here too, some are our own citizens, others from other countries. I don't want to lose my rights, I don't want to be lied to by government, but I don't want terrorists to run the world either.
If we have to fight them with weapons I would rather it be there and not here. I was a cop and seen plenty of mans inhumanity to man. I always hoped I would never be put in a spot to have to use my weapon, but would I? Yes. I always wanted to be the one going home at the end of the day, and uphold the laws of this country. Any time you use a weapon your life is changed, I wish it wasn't necessary, but it is. In law enforcement you don't just deal with criminals, you also deal with the victims, and to me there isn't a big difference between a family or a country terrorized. Just ask a person who has had a family member killed or wounded, or raped, or mugged, or threatened.
I guess you have to pardon me if I don't shed tears for murderers, terrorists, rapists, muggers, serial killers and hell even drug pushers, when they meet their maker!
I tried to go to Iraq, for this reason, if it is good enough gfor our kids then it is good enough for me. If I could prevent one of our kids from dying, or innocent civilian then I would. If it helped keep terrorism out of this country then I would. But in their wisdom I am too old. But let me say this, as long as I can walk, I would go in a minute!


After 9/11 we the people screamed for more security, new departments were formed, airport security, hunt for terrorists, Afganistan, Iraq and now what people see as an irrosion of the constitution.
For one thing as events in Canada suggest, we can never totally stop threats to us no matter what we lose in the process. All one need to do is look at murder rates in the US and see that, and the amount of illegal drugs that enter our country inspite of our best efforts.
The point is, when we squeal loud enough our government will react, if we want security they have to keep going to the next level of doing things to give us what we want, including things that appear to whittle away at our rights. We can't have it both ways folks, if we want more security we will have to keep paying. The question is how much do we want to pay?
We have politicians, including the prez who listen, then react. What is it we want and expect them to do?
In my opinion we face just as much of a threat from our own citizens as we do from outside, again as the Canadian and Mcveigh events show us. Our kids face threats from other students as school shootings show us, so what can we do? We keep screaming the government has to do this and that, and when they do something it violates our rights.
We as in "We The People" have to think about what we want and how want to get it before we open our mouths.
National threats, or percieved threats are nothing new, first it was the Japanese, then the commies, then drug lords, then al-qaida and on and on. The response was McCarthyism, J. Edgar, Bush and lots we don't know about.
Now there is more to the equasion, the young people of the country. It really has been my experience, that young people don't know our own history, nor whats going on in the world. I have 5 kids of my own, and I have always tried to instill something about the past and future in them. But I have seen alot more that I have wondered where the hell they came from, and what shell they have been living in. I really have to wonder about what is taught in schools. From what I see, the next generation will be led around like sheep. They are the ones that will live with what we leave them, we also have to think about that.
Well enough for now.

Review Of The Week And More

Well folks it has been an interesting week. On 666 I hit a deer with the old van so I will be doing body work today. The bursitus in my elbow got worse, and management at work got dumber than usual!
The good parts were they finally got Al-Zarkawi, and I got to see a few new born fawns and little geese, and a beaver. See, always some good to go along with the bad.
Up early today to read the news, read the blogs and make a few comments, and of course the body work on the van. Been tired this week because of the work situation, so didn't have time to blog, although I did read some this week.
I always have something to say, so hopefully I can squeeze something out this week end.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

News Update

In two days the date will be 6-6-06. As if things need to be worse, some people believe this is the date of the apocolypse, or the start, I'm not sure. 666 is significant for the devil or evil something on that order. Maybe the antichrist and the end of times are near.
Now I believe in god as I have said before, I don't belive in the devil, but I do believe there is evil in the world. Serial killers are evil, ol' Charlie Manson was evil, surely Hitler and his henchmen, Saddam and I guess the list goes on and on.
Will there be an antichrist? I don't know, we'll have to check Dubya's eyes and make sure they don't turn white, and others too. But wait, the antichrist is said to be able to speak or get us under his spell by his message, I guess that cuts Dubya out!
I just heard Jerry Fallwell on tv saying the word of god was written verbatim but with the personality of those writing it. Well, if it was verbatim, then personality has nothing to do with it as it would be just as it was said. How dumb do they think we are? I think some of thses good ol' boys were farmers before they turned evangelist, they are good at shoveling BS!
So as the 6th rolls around, keep your eyes open heh heh!!!!!

Blurbs From The News

As depressing as it is I read and listen to the news daily. Now I'm not a rocket scientist, but I can think, somewhat anyway.
There is a policy shift afoot with the "little rascals" in the White House. It seems funds to rebuild Iraq has been shifted to security over there. I use the term "security" lightly. I guess it would depend on who feels secure.
I am sure at this point, that the people, ordinary people, sure are not the ones feeling secure. Along with the US policy shift, the insurgents also shifted. The are now targeting civilians by the droves. They take over neighborhoods, kill for any reason, from wearing shorts, to women working, to people trying to move to get away from the trouble. Now you throw in some atrocities and I can't even imagine what the people can be thinking at this point.
The insurgents have been able somehow, to make religion, a political pawn from the new government to the ordinary people. There is not a threat of civil war there, it is already there!
There needs to be a government determined to make changes, take charge and stop this. The people themselves need to stand up and say no more. The peole can't sit back and let the bad guys take over neighborhoods, the insurgents aren't invisible. Iraq isn't our country, it is up to them, not us on the outcome of this mess.

A Visit to Shutterwi

I stopped by Shutter's place yesterday, just to see what he was up to. Well, he had helped a neighbor with a project, and was cleaning up the tools. I like watching him work, it tires me right out.
I inspected the area he plants the cherry tomatoes in, and it was not done yet. Being the nice guy I am, I informed him to step up the pace of his work and get them planted, after all he can't expect me to wait forever to raid the spot, heh heh.
Today I am just contemplating the mysteries of the universe, you know, things like the sound of one hand clapping, do cobs make cob webs or spiders, if a tree falls in the woods does it still make noise if no one is there to hear it? I haven't come up with any answers as yet, so will keep you posted.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Northern WI

AAAAhhhhh, another nice day in God's country, sunny, not too hot, yet any way. Lawn mowed yesterday, whew, stiffer than a dogs hind leg today though, my body that is.
Speaking of Northern WI, listening to country tunes, wife likes them, I like some of them. Any way, listening to some country singers talk, the accents and such. Well, we have some kind of accent being born and raised here. Not sure how to define it, but it is there, some say it is like Canadian or along that line, some say it is like people in the movie "Fargo", but we do have our own way I guess. Up here you hear "eh, aye(long A sound), and of course the pronunciation of words can sometimes be with a little accent persons nationality. Finns, Norwegians, Polish, and all nations represented up here. The Upper Penninsula of Michigan is the same way, their own way of saying things.
Now don't get me wrong, it is not like that all over WI, starting south of here, things are different. I worked in southern WI for a time, a person I worked with swore I was from Fargo ND. I applied for a job in Ill, and they asked me what accent I had, my reply was that I didn't have one, they did, that cracked them up. I got the job by the way, turned it down though, couldn't understand their language, heh, heh.
We also have our own way of expressing things, like, "sunday-go-to-meeting clothes" means getting dressed up. "bodie-o-doe clothes", means going out to the bars for a few. A person with "a smile like a wave on a slop bucket", means a smile that is big and toothless. And we relate some things to natural events like, "that was like using a pay toilet, and only passing gas" means it was a fruitless endeavor heh, heh.
Growing up there were lots of first generation imigrants here, and their families, so you heard lots of accents. You still find lots of different foods here, many are served on special occaisions. I remember railroad workers of Irish and Polish nationalities, hard working men, hard living and sometimes hard drinking. I remember section crews, carrying pints or half pints in back pockets. Drinking at home or stop in a bar was just as much a way of life as eating. I had an uncle who made and repaired furniture, my aunt helped him much of the time. Each day after work he would stop at the same bar, my aunt would sit in the old truck patiently waiting for him for an hour or so. I'm not saying it was bad or good, just that, thats the way things were.
I also remember an old fellow that would sit out in the shade with a quart of beer in a sack next to his chair, he would nip at it and when done would limp down the block to the bar, get another one and go back and sit again. This happened 3 times a day! We never thought twice about it, he did this until he passed on. As kids we would say hi on our way by him, and he was always nice.
One set of grand parents were from Norway, and spoke heavily accented, so did the families. I remember grandma coming to stay at times, she loved "as the world turns" on our tv. She had me carry a kitchen chair to put in front of the tv, get a tv tray for her tea, and watch. If we talked during this show she would say"husht kid" (just as spelled). I don't remember having a conversation with her, you didn't talk around company unless asked to. The only other thing was her asking if you "vanted a cookie".
I had a great uncle that would sing jingle bells like this "yingley bellsa, jingley belsa", so I used to kid my mom, and sing it each christmas in norwegian I would tell her. Its always good for a laugh.
As in most things the accents are dying out, once in a while you can pick out a Finn accent in a young person, but not much. But I still remember people speaking swede, norwegian, polish, finn and many more, to each other. One of my regrets was never learning one or more of their languages.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Weird Ideas

Last night as I watched the news, the news crew discussed law enforcement in Texas stopping cars close to the boarder with Mexico. There was a lawyer on representing some Hispanic people and whining about racial profiling. Well, if you are looking for illegal Mexican immigrants do you stop Chinese, or Africans? I am not against immigration, my father was one, but do it legally!

Word Verification

Sorry folks too much spam, need to have word verification on. Thank you!